The Dew of Reflection


Every dew has heaven in it – Luapo by

Who are you? | Nobody | Why are you here? | Nothing

Do you talk to me? | Yes | But why you are silent? | I talk to you by heart, don’t you hear my voice?

What do you see? | A blur light | What is in your eyes? | Nothing, just a slight of the dew of reflection

Heaven? | I think so | Is it real? | Nobody knows

Square? | Circle | Triangle? | Prism


November 13, 2011

2 thoughts on “The Dew of Reflection

  1. anggie

    Suddenly reconnect with your last writing you gave me by email. Mana lanjutanyaaahh… Percakapan ini seperti seseorang dengan psikiaternya ya? Hayuk, dibuat cerpen ato apalah. Sebab sepertinya bait-bait di atas masih bisa dikembangkan, Ran…

  2. Rani Ariana Post author

    Umm.. waktu menulis ini aku tidak meletakkan mereka sebagai pasien dan psikiater sih, hanya jabaran keabstrakan semata. Mungkin jika harus meletakkan subjek, ini lebih pada dialog bawah sadar seseorang dg his/her guide. Haha.. Iya ya? Aku belum dapet atmosfir yang bagus untuk menulis panjang Bund. But thanks udah ngingetin! Let’s write! πŸ™‚


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